That's English Test
Know your level with this test of this orientative That's English Test. The approximate levels of ESO, Formación Profesional, Bachillerato and Advanced levels are indicated below together with the corresponding 9 modules of the That's English Programme and the European scale (A1, basic/A2, basic/B1,internmediate/B21, advanced/B22, advanced).
M1 (1ESO/FP1nov/A1) M2 (2ESO/FP1jan/A1) M3 (3ESO/FP1febr/A1)
M4 (4ESO/FP1/mayA2) M5 (1BAC/FP2/A2) M6 (2BAC/FP2/A2)
M7 (ADV/B1) M8 (ADV/B1) M9 (B1)
M9 (Module 9) gives you access to the B2 level, which you can do, only through a two years' class attending course or through an official exam at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.
To see the curriculum of each of the official European levels, information about the official "libre" examinations, as well as information about other languages, go to this link:
General test
Advanced (First Certificate in English) for the First Certificate in English